Projects Pane Column Definitions

The Projects pane of the Cobra Explorer displays a set of standard columns.

You can change the way columns are shown by right-clicking a column header and selecting an option from the shortcut menu. You can insert or edit a column in the Projects pane using the Insert Column dialog box and the Edit Column dialog box.

Column Description
% Complete This column displays the percentage of the work that has been completed, which is calculated using the formula Earned/BAC * 100.
% Spent This column displays the percentage of the budget spent, which is calculated using the formula (Actual/EAC) * 100.
Actual Finish This column displays the actual finish date of the project.
Actual Rate This column displays the actual rate, calculated using the formula Actual/Actual.Hours.
Actuals This column displays the total actual currency value of project. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Address This column displays the address of the contractor.
AUW This column displays the amount of any Authorized Unpriced Work (AUW) for the project.
BAC This column displays the budget at completion or the resource total.
Baseline Finish This column displays the baseline finish date that defines the last date of the project.
Baseline Start This column displays the baseline start date that defines the initial status date for the project.
Baselined This column indicates whether the project audit log has been turned on to set the baseline for the project.
Batch No. This column displays the batch number that is stored in the tphase and the project audit log. Each time a process is run, the batch number is incremented.
Best Case EAC This column displays the Estimated Cost at Completion (EAC) value for best-case forecasts displayed in the header of the IPMR reports. Use the Budget tab of the Project Properties dialog box to enter this value.
Budget This column displays the total currency budget value of project. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Budget Rate This column displays the budget rate, calculated using the formula Budget to Date/Budget to Date Hours.
Ca[1-3] Code File This column displays the code files assigned to the control account.
Ca[1-3] Key Term This column displays the prompt that represents the code field.
Calendar File This column displays the calendar file used in the project.
CAM Code Field No. This column displays the CAM code field number.
Capture Actuals Level This column displays the level at which you want to capture actual costs (Control Account, Work Package, or both Control Account and Work Package).
CBB This column displays the Contract Budget Base (CBB) for the project, which is the combined Negotiated Cost and AUW.
Ceiling This column displays the Budgeted and Estimate at Complete Contract Ceiling amounts for the project.
CCN Code File This column displays the code file validating the change number.
CCN Use Code File This column indicates whether there is a file validating the change number.
CCN Validation This column displays the validation type.
Classification This column displays the security classification of the contract, which is displayed on the top and bottom of the IPMR reports.
Complete This column indicates that the project is already complete.
Contract Name This column displays the name of the contract.
Contract Flag This column displays the contract type.
Contract Number This column displays the contract number.
Contract Phase This column displays the project phase.
Contract Representative Name This column displays the name of the person assigned to the contract.
Contract Representative Title This column displays the title of the representative assigned to the contract.
Contract Type This column displays the contract type, such as CPFF (Cost Plus Fixed Fee).
Contract Location This column displays the location of the contractor.
Contractor Name This column displays the contractor name, which is used on Cobra reports.
CostProject.EvmsAcceptanceId This column indicates that the project passed EVMS validation. This is displayed in the header of the IPMR reports. Use the Project Properties dialog box to edit the contents of this field.
CostPrject.IpmrFormat2Code This column indicates that the IPMR Format 2 report uses an alternate code field.
CostProjecct.ProductVisibility This column indicates that the project is visible in PM Compass.
CPI This column displays the Cost Performance Index, which is calculated using the formula Earned/Actual.
CPI Performance This column displays the CPI performance of the project, which is calculated using the formula Actual/Earned.
CTC This column displays the cost for the contract and all authorized changes as of a specific date. This amount usually includes any management reserves.
Currency Symbol This column displays the currency symbol to be used to display costs in the Projects view and the Explorer view (for example, $ for dollars and € for Euros).
Currency Symbol on Right? This column indicates whether the currency abbreviation (such as USD) is displayed to the right of any currency value.
CV This column displays the Cost Variance, which is calculated using the formula Earned - Actual.
CV % This column displays the Cost Variance percentage, which is calculated using the formula (Earned - Actual)/Earned *100.
Definite This column displays the date the contract was made definite.
Description This column displays a brief description of the project, control account, or work package.
EAC This column displays the total Estimate At Complete currency value of the project based on the cost set EAC. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Earned This column displays the total earned currency value of the project. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Est. Ceiling This column displays the estimated ceiling amount for the project. This is displayed on IPMR reports and can be edited in the Project Properties dialog box.
Est. MR This column displays the estimated management reserve cost for the project. This is displayed on IPMR reports and can be edited in the Project Properties dialog box.
Est. UB This column displays the estimated undistributed budget for the project. This is displayed on IPMR reports and can be edited in the Project Properties dialog box.
Estimated Price This column displays the estimated Contract Target Price at the completion of the project. This is the sum of the Contract Budget Base and any management fees. This is displayed on IPMR reports and can be edited in the Project Properties dialog box.
EVMS Acceptance Date This column displays the approval or disapproval date of the Earned Value Management System (EVMS) for the project. This is displayed on IPMR reports and can be edited in the Project Properties dialog box.
Fee This column displays the management fee for the project. This is displayed on IPMR reports and can be edited in the Project Properties dialog box.
Fee Percent This column displays the management fee for the project, expressed as a percentage of the Contract Budget Baseline.
Forecast Finish This column displays the latest forecast finish date of the project.
Forecast Method Range 1 - 4 This column displays the forecast methods used for the class.
Hours % Complete This column displays the percentage of the work that has been completed, calculated using the formula Earned Hours/BAC Hours * 100.
Hours % Spent This column displays the percentage of the budget spent, which is calculated using the formula (Actual Hours/EAC Hours) * 100.
Hours Actuals This column displays the total actual currency value of the project, which is calculated using the formula (Actual Hours/EAC Hours) * 100.
Hours BAC This column displays the budget at completion in hours.
Hours Budget This column displays the budget to date in hours.
Hours CPI This column displays the Cost Performance Index, which is calculated using the formula Earned Hours/Actual Hours.
Hours CPI Performance This column displays the CPI performance of the project, which is calculated using the using the formula Actual Hours/Earned Hours.
Hours CV This column displays the Cost Variance, which is calculated using the formula Earned Hours - Actual Hours.
Hours CV % This column displays the Cost Variance percentage, which is calculated using the formula CV Hours/Earned Hours * 100.
Hours EAC This column displays the total Estimate At Complete currency value of the project in hours.
Hours Earned This column displays the total earned currency value of project hours.
Hours iEAC This column displays the independent Estimate At Complete, which is calculated using the formula 1/CPI (Budget at Complete Hours - Earned Hours) + Actual Hours.
Hours EAC2 This column displays the independent Estimate At Complete, which is calculated using the formula 1/CPI *SPI (BAC Hours- Earned Hours) + Actual Hours.
Hours SPI This column displays the Schedule Performance Index (SPI), which is calculated using the formula Earned Hours /Budget to Date Hours.
Hours SV This column displays the Schedule Variance (SV), which is calculated using the formula Earned Hours - Budget to Date Hours.
Hours SV % This column displays the Schedule Variance (SV) percentage, which is calculated using the formula SV Hours/Earned Hours *100.
Hours TCPI This column displays the To Complete Performance Index (TCPI), which is calculated using the formula (BAC Hours - Earned Hours)/ (EAC Hours — Actual Hours).
Hours TCPI BAC This column displays the To Complete Performance Index within the project budget at complete, which is calculated using the formula (BAC Hours — Earned Hours)/ (BAC Hours - Actual Hours).
Hours VAC This column displays the Variance At Complete (VAC), which is calculated using the formula BAC Hours - EAC Hours.
Hours VAC % This column displays the Variance At Complete (VAC) percentage, which is calculated using the formula (BAC Hours - EAC Hours)/ BAC Hours*100.
Hours Variance This column displays the Variance, which is calculated using the formula Budget at Complete Hours - Forecast at Complete Hours.
iEAC This column displays the independent Estimate At Complete, which is calculated using the formula Actual + [1/ CPI(BAC - Earned)].
iEAC2 This column displays the independent Estimate at Complete, which is calculated using the formula Actual + [1/ (CPI*SPI)(BAC - Earned)].
Last Updated This column displays the date and time when a record was last updated.

The Last Updated field exists on many tables in Cobra but not all. A record may be changed because of a direct change by the user against that record, or because of an indirect change.

Example of a Direct Change

A user modifies the description of a control account, which causes the control account's description field to be updated on the record. As a result, the Last Updated field is also updated.

Example of an Indirect Change

A user modifies the total budget of a resource assignment on a work package. The total budget stored on the work package is updated, the total budget stored on the control account is updated, and the total budget stored on the project is updated. The work package, control account, and project records will each get an updated Last Updated value even if they were not directly edited because the total budget stored on each record was updated.

Note: In some cases, Cobra displays values that are not stored directly on the record. It may appear a record has changed values but internally, Cobra is displaying a calculated value and therefore, the record's Last Updated field will not change.
LRE This column displays the Latest Revised Estimate At Completion (LRE), which is the updated and most recent Estimate at Completion (EAC).
Manager Code File This column displays the code file validating the manager (CAM) code.
Manager Code File Type This column displays the code file type validating the manager CAM code.
Manager Validation This column indicates that there is a code file validating the manager.
Master Project Flag This column indicates that the project is a master project.
MPS CODE This column displays the project level in the database.
MR This column displays the budgeted and estimated final management reserve for the project.
Open Plan Project This column displays the Open Plan project used by the Cobra project.
OTB This column displays the baseline which results from formal reprojecting of an overrun, used only with the approval of the customer.
OTB Date This column displays the date when OTB was allocated to the project.
OTC This column displays the Original Negotiated Cost value.
Percent Range 1 – 3 This column displays the range used for the forecast method. The range varies based on % Complete.
Period Start Date This column displays the previous status date used in report headers.
Project This column displays the name of the project.
Project Code 1 - 9 This column displays the project level codes for the project.
Quantity This column displays the number of items to be procured for the contract.
Rate File This column displays the rate file used for the project.
Resource Code File This column displays the resource code file used for the project.
Resource Key Term This column displays the resource field name.
Resource File This column displays the resource file used for the project.
Rolling Wave Calendar This column displays the rolling wave calendar used for the project.
Scale Caption This column displays the caption for the scale factor that appears in the reports.
Scale Factor This column displays the scale factor that will be used to report currency amounts.
Sequence This field is used internally by Cobra.
Share Ratio This column displays the share ratio for the contract.
SPI This column displays the Schedule Performance Index, which is calculated using the formula Earned/Budget to Date.
Spread Weight Method This column displays the spread weight method.
State This column displays the state where the contractor is located.
Status Date This column displays the status date of the project.
SV This column displays the Schedule Variance, which is calculated using the formula Earned - Budget to Date.
SV % This column displays the Schedule Variance percentage, calculated using the formula (Earned - Budget to date)/Budget to date * 100.
Target Price This column displays the estimated Contract Target Price at the completion of the project. This is the sum of the Contract Budget Base and any management fees.
TCPI This column displays the To Complete Performance index, which is calculated using the formula (BAC - Earned)/ (EAC - Actual).
TCPI BAC This column displays the To Complete Performance index within the project budget at complete, which is calculated using the formula (BAC-Earned)/(BAC-Actual).
UB This column displays the Undistributed Budget. Undistributed Budget. This is the budget applicable to contract effort which has not yet been identified to Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) elements at or below the lowest level of reporting to the government.
User This column displays the individual who is currently accessing the project.
VAC This column displays the Variance At Complete, which is calculated using the formula BAC - EAC.
VAC % This column displays the Variance At Complete percentage, which is calculated using the formula (BAC - EAC)/ BAC*100.
Variance This column displays the Variance, which is calculated using the formula Budget at Complete - Forecast at Complete.
Worst Case EAC This column displays the Estimated Cost at Completion (EAC) value for worst-case forecasts. Use the Budget tab of the Project Properties dialog box to enter this value.
Wp Code File This column displays the work package code file assigned to the project.
Wp Key Term This column displays the work package field name.
Zip This column displays the zip code where the contractor is located.